There's a new group in town...Eat to Love:|Feed to Love....What does that mean?
In a previous post (Do Me a Favor...) I shared some of my thoughts on why friends and gatherings are synonymous with food for me. I CANNOT go to a gathering of friends and show up empty handed...I feel naked if I do. Gathering around food, family and friends makes my heart sing. If they're happy (especially with what they are eating), then I'm happy.
In my circle of friends I am known as the go-to-gal for all things food and restaurant related. Whether it's what to take, what to make, or where to meet-up, I will always have a suggestion and a good one at that. I've become reliable that way : )
So, Knife Out is branching out with a new event forum: Eat to Love:|Feed to Love is all about feeding and connecting with the ones you love. It will consist of beautiful and creative women in the Los Angeles area that I will gather together on a quarterly basis over good food and fellowship.
Living in Los Angeles can be lonely sometimes and having a core group of sisters, I believe, is really important. These times together are all about edification, uplifting, and encouraging. I am determined to bring together women in this city who want to connect with others that are of the same mindset, which includes a negative-free zone! We catch it enough on the streets and in our workplaces that I want there to be one space that you go to (besides church, yoga class, etc.) where you can walk in feeling loved and knowing that someone is on your side.
Eat to Love: will be the group gathering at a restaurant. My goal is to have us eat our way through Los Angeles and enjoy what the culinary culture has to offer us. These times will be about creating and learning to foster new relationships with others. It's not necessarily for networking, since this word can have a negative connotation. I am more in favor of building genuine friendships/relationships so that when you need a helping hand there is someone else that can help pray with you, connect with you, or just believe for/in/with you.
Feed to Love has two parts. One will be the group choosing a charity where we will take time
to volunteer somewhere and feed the homeless, sick, or shut in. The second, will consist of meeting at a home, where we will all participate in creating dishes that we would make for those we love. This will be a more intimate gathering - a NO JUDGMENT ZONE - where people can kick off their shoes and unbuckle their pants! My hope is that we leave feeling more full than when we arrived.
Knife Out's first hosted event for Eat to Love: is Feb 8th. For more information, please contact me directly.
I am excited for this spin-off of Knife Out and my prayer and hope is that it will be as fulfilling and satisfying as I believe it will be.
As always,
Happy Knife Out!
PS Stay tuned for photos from our first event...
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