Saturday, June 29, 2013


We all know the classic Will Smith song.  For me, it brings up fond memories of being in my car with my best friend Katrina, with the windows rolled down and that song blaring from my speakers.  We would laugh and create games along the way to...whatever the destination was for the day (my mom may be reading).  And what is the  first line of the song....Here it is the groove slightly transformed just a bit of a break from the do we break from the norm? With this great new recipe that provides a twist to a classic: Strawberry Short-cake. 

According to Best Health Mag, strawberries are "not only are they juicy, summery and delicious, they’re a bona fide superfood, too. Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants (like vitamin C), strawberries offer a wide range of health benefits."  Ready for a few surprises about strawberries? 

 1.  "Aside from providing vitamin c (helping to boost your immune system), strawberries also promote eye health and can prevent cataracts.  Eyes require vitamin C to protect them from exposure to free-radicals from the sun’s harsh UV rays, which can damage the protein in the lens. Vitamin C also plays an important role in strengthening the eye's cornea and retina."

2. "The power of vitamin C in strawberries continues, as it is vital to the production of collagen, which helps to improve skin’s elasticity and resilience. Since we lose collagen as we age, eating foods rich in vitamin C may result in healthier, younger-looking skin."

3. “Ellagic acid and flavonoids [found in strawberries]— or phytochemicals—can provide an antioxidant effect that can benefit heart health in various ways,” explains Edwards. “One way includes counteracting the effect of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL—bad cholesterol in the blood—which causes plaque to build up in arteries. A second way is that they provide an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also good for the heart.”  

4. "Folate is a B-vitamin recommended for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, and strawberries are a good source with 21 mcg per serving. Folate is necessary in the early stages of pregnancy to help in the development of the baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord, and the folic acid in strawberries may help to prevent certain birth defects, such as spina bifida."

5. "Strawberries can help regulate blood pressure.  Potassium is yet another heart healthy nutrient, and with 134 mg per serving, strawberries are considered a "medium source," according to Alberta Health Services. Potassium can help regulate blood pressure and may even help to lower high blood pressure by acting as a buffer against the negative effects of sodium. With their impact on the reduction of LDL, inflammation and high blood pressure, strawberries have earned the title of one of the most heart-healthy fruits you can eat."

So, let's get a jump on summer and add this twist on Strawberry Short-cake to recipe books.  You can be feeding people healthy items and they not even know it!  Have parties to go to and don't have a ton of time to cook...(points fingers to self)?  This quick and easy recipe will have you be the talk of the party.  Today's recipe is brought to you by our friends at the FoodNetwork:

Toasted Pound Cake with Strawberries & Chocolate Cream (YUM!)

*Photograph by Anna Williams

1 cup cold heavy cream
1/4 cup chocolate syrup, plus more for drizzling
1 quart strawberries
2 tablespoons sugar
2 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
6 slices pound cake

Beat the heavy cream and 1/4 cup chocolate syrup in a bowl with a mixer on medium-high speed until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes. Refrigerate until ready to use. Hull and chop all but 6 strawberries and toss them with the sugar in a separate bowl; set aside.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl on medium-high power in 30-second intervals, stirring, until smooth, about 2 minutes. Dip the 6 whole berries in the chocolate, then transfer to a sheet of parchment paper and let cool.

Heat 2 tablespoons butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the pound cake slices and cook until golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes per side; transfer to a plate. Wipe out the skillet and melt the remaining 1 tablespoon butter. Add the chopped strawberries and 1 tablespoon water and cook until juicy, about 2 minutes.

Drizzle some chocolate syrup on each plate; top each with a piece of pound cake. Top with some of the chopped strawberries and their juices, a dollop of the chocolate whipped cream and a chocolate-covered strawberry.

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