Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thanksgiving!!! Thanksgiving!!!!

Alright, no need to panic....I'm Back!!!!!!!

I know that it has been a WHILE since my last post but have no fear I am back on the grind and have lots of things to share.  As many of you know, this blog was only supposed to be for a limited time (during our church's annual fast) to provide restaurants and recipes that we could use during said time.  Well, while I have been on a fitness boost (my menu options have definitely changed) I decided to re-vamp the site and provide some traditional items with a healthy twist to get us geared up for this holiday season and well into 2012!!!

First up:  Thanksgiving! 

Aside from all of the wonderful trimmings that accompany our turkey one of the hardest items during the holiday is the DESSERT table.  Yikes!!  That's where many of our extra calories come smacking us in the face (aside from our returning to the table for seconds...)  Why not help the waist-line this year and bake this easy to make Pumpkin Cheesecake that cuts calories and fat without cutting away the taste.

***Recipe Compliments of our friends at and

Pumpkin Cheesecake (serving size 8)


16 oz fat-free cream cheese, softened at room temperature

2 tbsp brown sugar (or use 1/2 cup splenda) 

1/2 tsp vanilla extract 

1/2 cup egg beaters 

1/2 cup pumpkin 

1/3 tsp pumpkin pie spice (which is your cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg)

1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs 

1/2 cup light cool whip 


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
  2. Whip cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until blended
  3. Blend in eggs but don't beat
  4. Remove 1 cup of batter and stir in canned pumpkin and spice
  5. Spray a 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray and sprinkle in graham crumbs evenly to make a crust
  6. Pour remaining batter into pan, then top with pumpkin batter
  7. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 minutes or until center is set
Then refrigerate for three hours or overnight to serve.

See how simple this is!  A low-fat, low-carb dessert that is a good source of protein and vitamin A. Serve with a tablespoon of whipped topping, and a sprinkle of graham cracker crumbs.  With the listed ingredients above, the calories per slice is around 108.  Total guilt free and tasty too.  Enjoy!!!!

~Knife Out
Although many people are against the roots of where Thanksgiving started, in our modern day version of Thanksgiving let's remember and keep in prayer those families that are without.  If there is an organization that you would like to support with by volunteering or financially, let me know and I will post it for everyone.  Many blessings as we begin this wonderful holiday season.  

1 Thess 5:18 "...In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."


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