Friday, January 21, 2011

Knife-Out Options....

A very good friend of mine will be visiting next weekend.  She too is on the fast and we had to come up with a "fast-friendly restaurant for the festivities.  Much to our enjoyment we were able to narrow our search down to two (2) lovely little restaurants in the city (there are more but these had really great menus). - Has everything you need to survive a night out with some friends.  There menu is eclectic, serving everything from a Black eyed pea cake to sweet potato rolls as appetizers to Pistachio and Pepper Dusted Tofu and their very own Vegan Lasagna for a main course.  There are plenty of menu options for every palette. 

Our second choice was Gobo Restaurant -  Their dinner menu consists of small plates (marinated tofu with pickled shredded papaya or  crispy spinach & soy cheese wontons) to large plates (organic king oyster mushroom in sizzling basil black bean sauce or butternut squash risotto with toasted almonds).   There are plenty of side dish options to choose from as well.  This is a perfect place for larger parties to order and share menu items or if you just want a small bite to satisfy your tummy.  Either way, you'll enjoy!!!

~Knife Out

P.S. Remember to let me know when you try any good restaurant that you think people would love to hear about for the fast.

Psalm 31:24 AMP
  • Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope for and expect the Lord!
I never want to leave with a bit of inspiration as to why or what we are accomplishing during the fast.

I want to share with you some notes from our Pastor's website (Pastor Creflo Dollar):

Fasting should not be viewed merely as a religious act, but as an important time to draw closer to God and His Word. True fasting destroys yokes and bondages. It brings Believers closer to the Father. Our lives should never be the same after a fast.

  1. Why is fasting so important?
    1. We fast to renew our minds.
    2. Fasting helps to bring a wrong mindset under subjection to God’s Word.
    3. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
      1. Strongholds are constructed thoughts, images, and knowledge that our minds hold on to.
      2. When the stronghold is negative, it can produce addictions and bad habits.
      3. The enemy wants to bombard us with the wrong knowledge in order to crowd out the information we receive from God.
  2. Not all strongholds are negative.
    1. God desires our minds to construct strongholds that are built upon His Word.
      1. He did not intend for us to hold strongly to information that contradicts His Word.
      2. What would happen in our lives if we saturated our minds with God’s knowledge?
      3. If you have a wrong mindset, it will resist God’s Word.
      4. Many times, it is a challenge for the right information to remain in our minds because our wrong mindsets fight the right information.
      5. Holiness is being of one mind with God.
  3. Be renewed in the spiritof your mind (Ephesians 4:22-24).
    1. If we do not renew our minds, we will not progress as Christians.
      1. The spirit of the mind is a deeper level of the thought process; we refer to it as the subconscious.
      2. When we renew our minds diligently and consistently with the Word, we allow our subconscious to be engaged in a positive way.
      3. Although learning is a part of renewing our minds, we must set our minds to act on the Word we have learned.
  4. God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17).
    1. The emphasis in this scripture is on knowledge. God shared with them all the knowledge they needed.
      1. They were supposed to hold strong to the knowledge of God.
      2. God never intended for us to get our knowledge from any other source.
      3. When Adam and Eve decided to get their knowledge from another source, they chose to separate from God.

Scripture References:

  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
  • Ephesians 4:22-24
  • Genesis 2:16, 17

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